- News
16 April 2014
IQE’s Infrared Division wins its first $1m order for InSb substrates
Epiwafer foundry and substrate maker IQE plc of Cardiff, Wales, UK has received its first $1m purchase order agreement for indium antimonide (InSb) substrates, which are used in mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) imaging technology.
IQE Infrared’s US substrate division Galaxy Compound Semiconductor Inc of Spokane, WA, USA has been contracted to deliver volume quantities of InSb substrates to an industry leader and long-term customer of the group. This represents the largest order to date for this new range of infrared substrates.
InSb is the material of choice for MWIR imaging technology, and cameras fabricated from InSb are used in a wide variety of imaging applications (defence, security, medical and industrial). IQE Infrared says it is uniquely positioned in this market and is the exclusive supplier of all InSb to industry, with IQE’s US (Galaxy) and UK (Wafer Technology) operations collectively meeting the requirements of customers to provide a secure, dual-source supply of InSb substrates.
“The scale of this commitment reflects our success in being able to offer a volume manufacturing capability for InSb materials,” says IQE’s CEO Dr Drew Nelson. “The investments that we have made to enhance our crystal growth, wafering and substrate polishing capabilities at both Galaxy and Wafer Technology will enable us to fully meet the InSb product demands of our customers, both in terms of volume and quality, across a full 2-6” product range,” he adds.
IQE announces first commercial 150mm indium antimonide substrates
IQE launches dedicated infrared products division
IQE acquires antimony-based substrate maker Galaxy