- News
15 March 2013
Finisar chairman speaking at OSA Executive Forum on future of optical component industry
Fiber-optic communications component and subsystem maker Finisar Corp of Sunnyvale, CA, USA says that, during the Optical Fiber Communication Conference & Exposition/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC 2013) in Anaheim (17-21 March), its executive chairman Jerry S. Rawls is joining a group of industry experts for a panel presentation ‘The Future of the Optical Component Industry’ at the 2013 OSA Executive Forum at Hilton Anaheim Hotel, Pacific Ballroom, Monday 18 March (4-5:30pm PT).
Finisar technology and market experts are also participating in the OFC/NFOEC conference at the Anaheim Convention Center. Company speakers include:
- Steve Frisken, chief technology officer of Finisar Australia, is participating on the panel ‘Will Flexgrid Networks be Worth the Investment?’ on Sunday, 17 March (4:30-7:30pm).
- Simon Poole, director, new business ventures, is participating in the workshop ‘If the technology for SDM exists, do we want to use it?’ on Monday, 18 March (9am-12pm).
- Chris Cole, director of high-speed optics engineering, is participating in the workshop ‘How Can Optics Address Bandwidth and Latency Bottlenecks in Data Centers?’ on Monday 18 March (starting at 9:00am). Cole is also participating on the panel ‘Trends in Interconnects and Integration’ on Wednesday 20 March (1-3pm).
- Steve Joiner, director of transceiver engineering, is participating on the panel ‘OIF Next Generation Interconnect Framework’ on Tuesday 19 March (11am-1pm).
- Julie Eng, senior VP of engineering, is participating on the Market Watch Panel ‘High Speed Pluggable Optics for the Data Center’ on Tuesday 19 March (3-5pm).
- Ken Falta, senior director, product management, is participating on the panel ‘The Future of ROADM Technology: Deployment and Functionality’ on Tuesday 19 March (4:30-6:30pm).
- Rafik Ward, VP of marketing, is moderating the Market Watch Panel ‘Metro 100G Applications’ on Thursday 21 March (10:15am-12:15pm).