- News
15 February 2013
NANEO Precision expands manufacturing capacity with Veeco IBD system
NANEO Precision IBS Coatings GmbH of Rheinbreitbach, Germany, which produces custom-made precision optical coatings for high-end applications in the laser and photonics industry, recently ordered a SPECTOR ion beam deposition (IBD) system from epitaxial deposition and process equipment maker Veeco Instruments Inc of Plainview, NY, USA. The system will be used to produce high-quality optics in a broad range of applications including ultrafast optics, high-power lasers, Raman spectroscopy, telecommunications, and aerospace.
“Veeco’s SPECTOR IBD system allows us the process flexibility needed to meet growing demand for our high-precision optics, providing excellent precision and uniformity, lowest loss and high laser damage threshold,” comments NANEO’s CEO Daniel Kopf. “Veeco’s reliable platform makes them an ideal partner as we ramp production,” he adds.
“The SPECTOR IBD optical coating system enables users to manufacture the highest-precision and quality films meeting the performance requirements for virtually every optical thin-film coating application,” says Veeco’s VP & general manager James Northup.