- News
27 February 2013
CPV cell maker Solar Junction partners with system maker Amonix
Solar Junction of San Jose, CA, USA, which makes III-V multi-junction solar cells for concentrated photovoltaics (CPV), has signed a co-development agreement with Amonix Inc of Seal Beach, CA, USA, which makes utility-scale CPV solar power systems using III-V multi-junction solar cells.
Founded in 2007 with investors including New Enterprise Associates, Draper Fisher Jurvetson and Advanced Technology Ventures, Solar Junction says that its cells, which incorporate proprietary adjustable-spectrum lattice-matched (A-SLAM) materials technology, enable it to more optimally partition the solar spectrum for maximum efficiency and greater reliability. In February 2012, epiwafer foundry and substrate maker IQE plc of Cardiff, Wales, UK signed a strategic investment agreement and exclusive epiwafer supply agreement with Solar Junction.
Last October, Solar Junction raised its own world record for the energy conversion efficiency of a commercial-ready production solar cell, from 43.5% at a concentration of 418 suns (achieved in April 2011) to 44% at 942 suns. Previously, in May, Amonix raised its world record for CPV module efficiency from 30.3% to 33.5%. The US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has verified both the Solar Junction cell and Amonix module CPV efficiency records. The firms say that, together, these benchmarks for high-concentration photovoltaics confirm that they have a roadmap to reach the forecasted 30% cost reduction compared to existing photovoltaics (according to the report ‘Concentrated PV (CPV) – World - 2012’ published by PV Market Research.com last September).
"It's our goal, by combining our world record module technology with Solar Junction’s world record solar cell, that we can increase efficiencies while driving CPV costs down,” says Amonix’s CEO Pat McCullough. “The results of this collaboration, and its lower levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), will be revealed soon."