- News
20 December 2013
Plasma-Therm holds nanotechnology symposium at Stanford’s Nanofabrication Facility
Plasma process equipment maker Plasma-Therm LLC of St Petersburg, FL, USA has conducted a nanotechnology symposium at Stanford University’s Nanofabrication Facility (SNF). Presentations at the technology community outreach event addressed a broad range of research topics, including: plasmonics, single-electron devices, gallium nitride (GaN) power devices, GaN-based optoelectronics, terahertz (THz) transistors, and high-resolution lithography and etching. Symposium speakers (professors and researchers from Harvard, Notre Dame, University of New Mexico, Arizona State University, Teledyne Scientific, and GlobalFoundries) provided insight into successes and challenges in their respective fields.
Attendees included graduate students and post-doctoral researchers from seven universities, along with researchers and engineers from 23 local companies, from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.
The event was held with support from the SNF and the US National Nanofabrication Infrastructure Network (NNIN), which provides resources for academic and industrial users locally and worldwide.
“Events of this type give the technical community an opportunity to interact with researchers who are leading the way in exploring the nanoscale regime,” says symposium organizer Dr David Lishan, Plasma-Therm’s principal scientist.