- News
29 August 2013
LayTec’s In-situ seminar at ICNS 2013
LayTec AG of Berlin, Germany, which makes in-situ metrology systems for thin-film processes, focusing on compound semiconductor and photovoltaic applications, held its 18th international in-situ seminar on 25 August in conjunction with the ICNS in Washington DC, USA, where a number of international experts presented their latest in-situ results of nitride growth monitoring:
- Alois Krost (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany): Growth and characterization of GaN on silicon wafers;
- Yvon Cordier (CNRS-CRHEA, France): Assessment of strain in GaN films by using in-situ and ex-situ characterization techniques;
- Fabrice Oehler (University of Cambridge, UK): Current challenges for in-situ monitoring of polar and semi-polar III-Nitrides.
Neil Gerrard, managing director of LayTec UK Ltd, presented a newly developed method for pre-selecting patterned sapphire (PSS) wafers according to pre-bow and PSS uniformity. Customers took the opportunity to check their PSS wafers on-site.
LayTec’s head of R&D Kolja Haberland discussed the firm’s new product developments, while Oliver Schulz, the chief customer officer of LayTec, explained the new concept of LayTec Premium Care. To download the talks from LayTec’s website, request the password via info@laytec.de